على سرير الحب مارسوا النيك


ناك sex متناكة وشرموطة.

النص المُفبرك


فأتاها بنو بابل في مضجع الحب ونجسوها بزناهم، فتنجست بهم، وجفتهم نفسها


النص طبقا للنسخة الإنجليزية 

فأتاها بنو بابل إلى سرير الحب ومارسوا النيك معها بكثرة ، فتنجست  حتى اشمئزت منهم 


CEB  :  The Babylonians came to her to lie down and make love with her, defiling her with their seductions. But once she had defiled herself with them, she recoiled from them in disgust

CEV :   Men from Babylonia came and had sex with her so many times that she got disgusted with them

ERV  :  So the Babylonian men came to her bed to have sex with her. They used her and made her so filthy that she became disgusted with them

GNT  :  The Babylonians came to have sex with her. They used her and defiled her so much that finally she became disgusted with them

LEB  :  And so the Babylonians came to her for the bed of lovemaking; and they defiled her with their fornication, and she was defiled by them, and she turned from them

NIRV  :  Then the Babylonians came to her. They went to bed with her. They had sex with her. They made her impure when they had sex with her. After they did it, she became sick of them. So she turned away from them

NLV :   The Babylonians came to her, to the bed of love. They made her sinful with their desire. And after she had had sex with them, she became sick of them

WEB  :  The Babylonians came to her into the bed of love, and they defiled her with their prostitution, and she was polluted with them, and her soul was alienated from them